The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre
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2019-06-29 03 meditation: body sitting, breathing 13:49
Jill Shepherd
A short guided meditation with an emphasis on settling and soothing the body, heart, mind before starting a study class
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Transforming Fear into Fearlessness

2019-06-22 02 instructions: written exercises exploring fear 17:44
Jill Shepherd
Instructions for doing two written exercises, exploring fear in the context of daily life then in the context of meditation and dharma practice
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre

2019-06-22 01 talk: Transforming Fear into Fearlessness intro 26:04
Jill Shepherd
Intro talk giving an overview of fear in the context of the Buddha's teachings, and touching in to how befriending fear benefits not only ourselves, but the communities and wider society we live in
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Transforming Fear into Fearlessness

2018-08-31 Questions & Answers 1:15:58
Ariya B. Baumann
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Month-long retreat with Ariya Baumann

2018-08-30 The Best of Everything (dana-sila-bhavana) 57:17
Ariya B. Baumann
The best we can extract from our life and all we use in our life are the practices of generosity, virtue, and the cultivation of the heart & mind.
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Month-long retreat with Ariya Baumann

2018-08-29 How the Dhamma Protects You 61:10
Ariya B. Baumann
The practice of the Dhamma is a powerful protection that comes about by wholeheartedly applying mindfulness, the four protective meditations, restraint, virtue, going for refuge, patience, or the parittas.
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Month-long retreat with Ariya Baumann

2018-08-27 Confidence 67:19
Ariya B. Baumann
Confidence is crucial for any undertaking, also for our spiritual journey. Our confidence in the teaching, the actual practice, and in our ability to do the practice grow and deepen as we move along the way.
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Month-long retreat with Ariya Baumann

2018-08-24 Gratitude 50:20
Ariya B. Baumann
Gratitude is a hidden treasure: it is a simple but incredibly powerful quality that brings so much joy and contentment into our life.
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Month-long retreat with Ariya Baumann

2018-08-22 Thoughts 56:13
Ariya B. Baumann
Thoughts are a natural manifestation of the mind. We need to understand the nature of thoughts and then use them wisely and skillfully in our meditation practice and life.
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Month-long retreat with Ariya Baumann

2018-08-20 Desire and Attachment 60:36
Ariya B. Baumann
Instead of being at the mercy of desire and attachment we need to understand the sticky nature of every form of desire – and then to weaken and abandon it. Besides using mindfulness there are a number of approaches to skilfully deal with desire.
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Month-long retreat with Ariya Baumann

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